I got a call from Leo Friday morning saying not to come in since no one would be shopping in this weather. I stayed in and did everything in snail mode from lack of sleep. I did scrap a little while I watched Ratatouille (with Jenna), In Good Company, and Superbad. Dan came over after work and we all played guitar hero.
Saturday was another interesting day. I arrived at work in Rockaway Beach to find that we had a power outage and my cell phone had no service. I started walking to the Light house hotel down the street since I know some people that work there. I figured that if their phones were working they'd let me call my boss. The waves were so high that the police were blocking off the sea wall! They were mopping water out of their lobby. Here is the lovely scene from outside of the hotel.

The Mexican restaurant was sandbagging and I don't blame them. I got a hold of Leo and he said to go home. Two days off due to the storm! Here is the same area from a different perspective. Notice the cement bench that the waves knocked over. That black boulder in the center of the walkway is not supposed to be there either. It started down pouring as I took this picture. When I got back to my car .2 seconds later I was completely soaked and I had on a down jacket (to my knees). Then lighting and thunder hit within a second of each other. I was really scared since I was at the beach and in a car. We never have these kinds of storms here.

Linda Mar Beach had lots of damage as well. The waves came over the sea wall and brought lots of rocks into the parking lot. The recycling receptacles were all the way across the parking lot and that garbage can wasn't near its proper location either.

Kristi invited me over to her apartment to scrapbook and I got so inspired. Its so much fun to crop with another person. I love having someone to talk to about all of the products and upcoming events. Thanks for the wonderful time!
Wow! Glad you are ok, MJ! Sounds like you had a hurricane hit! Wild weather....never know what to expect anymore!
Have a great week!
omigosh! crazy weather for you! I love the title to your post, at first I was like.... wait, did she travel to Kansas! (if so we could have gotten together, lol!)
Wow, that is quite a storm there! Glad you're okay!
What a mess what a hurricane! Mika (www.mikascrap.typepad.com)
Oh my goodness!!!! I thought it was bad here but yours looks insane!!! Im glad you are ok!
Oh, please Michelle...send some of that rain my way!!! Pretty please? We are smack-dab in the middle of a drought that has been going on since i left LAST AUGUST!!! No kidding. We are on water rationing. It got so cloudy today, but no rain. :0( My garden that I spent some major $$$ on last spring and summer is D.E.A.D. Although, the pictures you took from the storm are scary, you live in a BEAUTIFUL area! Hope your weather system is back to normal soon.
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