Kyle sent me some pictures from the photo shoot I did with him and his siblings. He did the editing since it was so close to Christmas. This is my most favorite portrait I've ever taken. I have more posted on my flickr account.

Jenna, Jeff, Kelley, and I went to Chevy's for some Saturday night fun. We played a hot game of scrabble and spent some quality cousin time together.

Jenny stopped by my work on Sunday and it was so great to see her. We talked for about an hour and I'm hoping we'll be able to hang out more often now that my schedule has calmed down a bit. After work I drove over to Danville and played guitar hero 3 with Gabriella and Chesco.
I met Valerie at Barnes & Noble Monday evening to discuss our Wedding videography company. We're going to be shooting a wedding on Valentine's day in Jenner, Ca (2 hour drive north of SF). Dan met us for dinner at BJ's Brewery and then Valerie and i went shopping for jeans. And we actually found some that fit! I bought two pairs because its such a rare occasion. I'm loving my new Levi's.
I've been playing scrabble a lot lately for practice. I played my grandma after a week of playing about 4 games and we both saw a big improvement. She still beat me by a landslide so I still have a ways to go!
I got this in the mail yesterday and laughed my head off. Why shouldn't I change my spelling to Mi Cha and still pronounce my name Michelle?

My next post will be my 100th post so be sure to check back for a RAK and some other fun stuff!
Tee he Mi Cha I love it!
Fab layouts btw and that Fancy Pants kit looks yummo, I just wish I had some spare cash! Damn crimbo and my over spending!!!
You'll always be MJ to me
lol mi cha, now i keep sayin mi cha barton in my head. geez.
I'm with Kelly, you'll always be MJ to me....or we could go with MJJ!!
I think Mi Cha would be an amazing name!
Love those layouts!
You are all about the scrabble girl!
he he...Mi Cha. too funny...=) I would totally like getting junk mail if they mispelled my name like that...he he...anyways, thanks so much for the awesome pirate card!! duuude...it rocks....=) We're going to keep it folded out in our living room somewhere cuz Z loves it, too!! lol..yay! you rock, Michelle! And those Crush papers are wonderful =)
Hello Mi Cha! That's too funny! Love the portraits that you did! :0)
Great pics of course! Love the kit. Wonderful pages. Mi cha is freakin funny when i see u on the 16th Im gonna say your name is mi cha! LOL!
Michelle, you crack me up. Your blog is always so much fun to read, and your photos express that you truly are a fun person!
Good luck with the photo shoot on V day, LOVE the new scrap papers, and kudos on scrabble... God knows I could improve my vocabulary... way to work the mind... hehee...
P.S. I used to work with a guy named Mitch... and as a joke, I always used to call him Micha... It came from him working with a few Hispanic guys who actually pronounced his name that way, he told me the story about it one day and it just kinda stuck... so Micha micha micha... haha... It IS a cute name though!!
what?? an original Gertie drawing?? wow! That's awesome...I went to a small comic museum in France, too, and we weren't allowed to take pictures, either....sounds like fun, though!
Well, I will see if this works this time. Thanks again for posting one of my pictures. Your scrapbook paper is so pretty. It must be a fun hoppy. Love, A.V.
I meant hobby
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